The ICMR is Asia's most popular repository of management case studies. Over 10 million copies of ICMR case studies have been printed in international and Indian textbooks, workbooks and case study volumes. More than 200,000 individual copies of its case studies have been purchased by many of the leading business schools and universities around the world. These case studies have won prizes in several global case writing competitions, and also appear in many international management textbooks. The IBSCDC is a case development center which has developed in excess of 5500 cases.
The Center for Innovation Entrepreneurship and Incubation (CIEI) has been set up to encourage, promote and facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship development in the University as well as is in its immediate neighborhood. It identifies, supports and mentors the students who come out with new business plans or start-up ideas. To inspire the students to become future Entrepreneurs feeling through E-week, Guest lectures, seminars, workshops etc.
In addition, IFHE hosts a number of international and national conferences, seminars and workshops.