Academic Evaluation

Continuous Assessment
Continuous Assessment contributes to 30% of the overall weight of the course assessment. It is done through session participation, performance in the engagement exercises, workplace narrations and discussion forums.
Semester End Examinations
Semester End Examinations are conducted online with technology enabled proctoring. They carry 70% weight.

Graduation Requirements
Students should have completed the evaluation requirements of all courses in a maximum duration of four years. Students should secure a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 5.5 with number of courses with D and E grades together not exceeding four.
Award of Degree
Students who successfully complete the graduation requirements for the Online MBA Program will be awarded the Master of Business Administration degree in the online mode by the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education.

FAQs – Online MBA Program
1. What is the evaluation Process?
Evaluation is through formative and semester end examinations. Formative assessment contributes to 30% of the overall weight of the course assessment. It is done through session participation, performance in the engagement exercises, workplace narrations and discussion forums.
Semester End examinations are conducted online with technology enabled proctoring. They carry 70% weight.
2. Can I write the exams online?
Yes. Exams are conducted online. Semester End examinations are conducted online with technology enabled proctoring.